As the angry white man known as Elonia, and his mostly white disciples continued to rummage through the government systems with the permission of the angriest white man at the top aided by the cohorts of more angry white men known as the Heritage Foundation, we must not get sidetracked with these bizarre ideas of owning Gaza, the Panama Canal, 51st State of Canada or annexing Greenland. All of these have sparked conversation and divert from the real aim – total annihilation of our governmental system that will end up exposing the private information of virtually every American. Their actions are also making America a much less secure and safe place as they weaken our security systems that the FLOTUS called “weak”.
This is more than a coup.
Those systems are only weak because FLOTUS gave DOGE unfettered access where no one, and I mean no one, has ever had that level of access. It is a dream come true for the government leaders that Elonia has direct contact with – China and Russia. The man has the leader’s phone numbers in his contact list. Whether or not he givers them unfettered access is not a matter of if, but win. He seems to have tremendous anger against the U.S. government as our system does attempt to hold him accountable for tax money he receives. Nothing that pisses off a crook more than when asked to show the receipts.
Noting how the government rarely defends itself, he watched the FLOTUS mount a continuing assault of the systems that make the government work, he took his que that he too, if he could buy the then candidate felon, get permission to get inside the system. That was what DOGE was all about. As FDR once said “Nothing in politics never happens without a plan.” This was carefully constructed and planned with the smoke screen of Project 2025 and their group of angry, mostly white men.
This is more than a coup.
The people of Project 2025 harbor anger toward a government that is designed to move toward justice and equity. They see the promises of the Declaration of Independence as in the past and not appliable to what they foresee as a “better” America. They do not think there should federal government regulation. Only the things listed specifically in the Constitution with no further interpretation should be the federal government responsibilities and that means the states would be solely responsible. We have been here before on more than one occasion. The events that brought about the federal government expansion leading to the New Deal were those practices that caused the Great Republican Depression of 1929 that impacted the economy worldwide. Angry white men of those days refused to admit their policies caused the problem, even though there had been several other hard recessions in the decades before relating to their policies. Peter Thiel even thinks that democracy and freedom are not compatible. Now that is an oxymoron, stress the “moron:. What does he think democracy is? These angry, mostly white men of Project 2025 project hate the more perfect union the Founders sought to create. They reject the ideas of diversity, equity and inclusion. They deny the problems critical race theory exposes. They claim they want meritocracy to rule for their personnel selections, but the resumes of their candidates tend to be extremely thin on the qualifications and long on nepotism, networking, who they know, who they impress, who likes them, and so on.
This is more than a coup.